Ministries and Organizations
Adoration, Community Theology and Service. Contact Rudy Barragan 210-313-3201. satexas1718@gmail.com
Contact: Deacon Ray Gonzales 210-894-9749.
Adults over the age of 18 who have been baptized and received the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion, who seek to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Interested adults can contact the office at (210) 435-6211
Contact: Gilda Granado 210-379-2827 gilda.granado@stdominicsa.org
Contact: Deacon Scott Imburgia 210-240-5230 deaconscott0122@gmail.com
Contact: Esther DeLa Garza 210-772-8690 estherdelagarza4@gmail.com
Contact: Sylvia Govea, 210-215-3337, syl1926@att.net
The Altar Society’s mission is to “Keep the Lord’s House Beautiful”. The Society provides support to the parish by focusing on the environment of the sanctuary and worship space for the different liturgical seasons and how it calls us to prayer. All members are gifted and talented individuals who are willing to understand the importance of environment and make a physical and spiritual commitment to the ministry. Altar Society meets every first Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Ministry Building.
Contact: Helen Hernandez, 210-262-0204. helenh4915@gmail.com
The Bereavement Ministry is to provide a bereaved parish family member a meal after the funeral services of the loved one, if the family so desires. The meal can be served at St. Dominic’s Church facility, Monday through Saturday. If the family wishes to have the meal at home, it can be arranged so that family members can pick up the food after the funeral services at an appropriate time at the parish admin office.
Contact: Roland Villanueva, 210-885-5395. Brothers in Christ Motorcycle Ministry is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to reach out to communities that are less fortunate. The foundation of this ministry is based on the teachings of Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service (A.C.T.S.) a Catholic ministry. It was formed in 2010 uniting ACTS brothers and giving them the opportunity of combining their hobby and serving hearts for the betterment of those in need. Our ministry holds fundraisers throughout the year to help fund community outreach programs for children, the elderly and fund scholarships for faith renewal. Meetings are third Friday from 7-9, Portables 2, 3 and 4.
Contact: Elsa McDonald, 210-275-9179. elsa.mcdonald@stdominicsa.org
The purposes of the organization are to participate in the religious, charitable and educational Apostolates of the Church. Catholic Daughters of the Americas engages in creative and spiritual programs which provide its members with the opportunity to develop their God-given talents in meaningful ways that positively influence the welfare of the Church and all people throughout the world. CDA Mission Statement: Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. Court St. Dominic of the Rosary #2682, established August 19, 2014. If you are a Catholic woman aged 18 or older, you are invited to join us. Joining the Catholic Daughters of the Americas is a wonderful gift from God. As a member of CDA you are able to share your talents and gifts while working with other Catholic women who share like values. Meetings are held the first Monday of the month (with exception to September on the second Monday), 6:30 pm to 8 pm at St. Dominic Ministry Building. No meetings in June and July.
Contact: Rudy Castro 210-422-8134 rcastro44444@gmail.com
Rudy Fernandez 210-744-5655 rudy@rfproduce.com
Uniting men and encouraging them to seek a relationship with God by serving Jesus Christ in their home, church, career and community. Teaching others to be men of God through Christ-centered meetings. Strengthening faith through the power of the Holy Spirit. Encouraging and praying for men in need of God’s love, mercy and grace. Demonstrating God’s love through fellowship, prayer, adoration. Serving Christ and one another by fishing for men with nets of hope, faith, and love. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”(Proverbs 27:17) Meetings are on the third Monday from 7pm to 9pm in the Piper Community Center.
Contact: Jose Gomez @ 210-548-6260 or Michelle Gomez @ 210-548-6261
Covenant of Love is a marriage ministry that exists to help married/engaged couples live out God’s plan for marriage, advocating for its sanctity, dignity, and permanence. We host monthly “Date Nights” on the second Friday of each month (unless where noted), in which we offer various marriage education and enrichment opportunities and share in fellowship and discussion with a potluck meal. It allows ordinary couples to reconnect and refocus on what’s important, as well as imparts practical wisdom to become the husband and wife God desires them to be. DATE NIGHT provides spouses and engaged couples the opportunity to meet with like-minded couples and grow together in faith and intimacy. Date Nights are FREE, we only ask that you bring a dish/dessert to share. We also offer FREE childcare! Check the bulletin for announcements and follow us on Facebook for the most current information: Facebook.com/COLStDominic
Contact: Adam Alonzo 210-269-7964. ayevalonzo@yahoo.com
The mission of CYO is to offer all youth, sports and recreation programs emphasizing friendly competition through good sportsmanship modeled by adult participants, and to invite all participants, Catholic and otherwise, youth and adults, to share in the life of their Church and Faith community.
Contact: Chairperson: James Garza (210) 863-9197, james_garza0316@hotmail.com.
The Finance Council is a consultative body, composed of three to five persons appointed by the Pastor, which assists the Pastor in the administration of church property and finances. The council advises the Pastor on any major commitment of funds or resources and in the investment of Parish funds; it fulfills an active role in the preparation of the Parish budget and its execution; it assists in establishing cash management and internal controls and procedures for all Parish funds. (Cannon Law 537) Finance Council meets quarterly as announced.
Faith Formation is an expression of the mission entrusted by Jesus to the Church. Through Faith Formation, the church seeks to prepare its members, old and young, to proclaim the Good News and to translate this proclamation into action.
Religious Education in Grades K to 8th
Religious Education is a Faith Formation program for children in grades Kinder through 8th. The program runs as an academic school year. However, classes begin in September and end in May and are held on Sunday mornings. General registration begins in late July. Students interested in receiving the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist (Communion) are required to attend classes for two consecutive years. The first year is an introduction to the faith and formation, the second year is Faith Formation. Students who have already received their sacraments are encouraged to continue with Faith Formation classes as this is a lifelong journey. Classes available in Spanish. For further information contact Sister Maria Mercedes Castillo call (210) 435- 6211 ext. 207.
High School Faith Formation, Grades 9th to through 12th
This program’s main emphasis and goal is to help our teenagers experience God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We will take them on a journey through the entire Catholic faith in all its richness and vitality. Ultimately, they will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and be sealed with the Holy Spirit. This is a 2-year program. Confirmation Level 1 (year 1 – typically should be taken by youth who are in 9th grade) and Confirmation Level 2 (year 2 – typically taken immediately after completing Level 1, therefore the youth should be in 10th grade). However, we are flexible, and we receive many youth who start the Level 1 program in their 10th grade year and even 11th. To register your child or if you would like more information please contact: The H.S. Faith Formation Office at, (210) 435-6211 ext. 209, or you can email Silvia Elena Hagen, Coord. of H.S.
Faith Formation & Youth/Young Adult Ministry at Silvia.hagen@stdominicsa.org
Contact: Henry and Linda Ornelas (210) 378-3278 henryjornelas@gmail.com
Purpose is to beautify and maintain Gods landscape on St. Dominic grounds. To build and develop parishioner’s ideas and involvement for spiritual growth through landscaping. Plant, water and nurture the greenery and colorful plants that beautifies Our Lord’s grounds. Parishioners work days and meetings are scheduled for every third Saturday of each month (excluding Dec. Jan. and Feb.)
Contact: Deborah Johnson 210-834-3270 ilovetimmy111@gmail.com
Contact: Grace Rodriguez 210-279-5208 grod1264@gmail.com
Our mission is of Love, Charity, Service, and Spiritual sharing as well as to promote and encourage devotion to Mary, the Mother of God under the title of Our Lady Guadalupe as she appeared to Juan Diego at Tepeyac. General Meetings are every fourth Tuesday of the month in the Molchan Hall at 7-9 pm. General Mass is every second Sunday of the month at the10 am Mass.
Contact: Rudy Castro, 210-422-8134 or rcastro44444@gmail.com
Homebound Ministry maintains that special connection of church-life with parishioners who are either temporarily or permanently unable to attend Mass. Homebound ministers take the Eucharist to those homebound members of our church, letting them know they are loved and being prayed for, sharing the Sunday Gospel, a listening ear, and a chat or simply a card or telephone call. Visits are prearranged between the parishioner and ministers.
Contact: Rudy Castro 210-422-8134 rcastro44444@gmail.com or Deacon Wayne Archer 210-482-0818
Saturday Morning Jump Start is a wonderful ministry at St. Dominic’s for men or women to meet to hear God’s Word of Love and Hope. Come join us as we unpack the scriptures that that will help us prepare for Sunday’s Mass and to allow the Holy Spirit to transform us into disciples of Jesus Christ, so that we can better equip ourselves, our families and those in our community. Come and meet with other Catholics from our parish community who love the Bible and at the same time come and make new friends. Men and Women meet separately every Saturday morning from 7 am to 9:00 am, we alternate one week in person and one week via a virtual online meeting. Check St Dominic’s website @ www.stdominicsa.org for scripture passages for the upcoming week.
Contact: Michelle Gonzales 210-573-2540
Saturday Morning Jump Start is a wonderful ministry at St. Dominic’s for men or women to meet to hear God’s Word of Love and Hope. Come join us as we unpack the scriptures that that will help us prepare for Sunday’s Mass and to allow the Holy Spirit to transform us into disciples of Jesus Christ, so that we can better equip ourselves, our families and those in our community. Come and meet with other Catholics from our parish community who love the Bible and at the same time come and make new friends. Men and Women meet separately every Saturday morning from 7 am to 9:00 am, we alternate one week in person and one week via a virtual online meeting. Check St Dominic’s website @ www.stdominicsa.org for scripture passages for the upcoming week.
Contact: Grand Knight Sebastian Luna, (210) 413-7438 sebastianluna@sbcglobal.net.
We are a Catholic, family, fraternal, service organization celebrating our 40th anniversary whose principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. General meetings on the first Thursday of the month at 7 pm, rosary at 6:30 pm.
Contact: Palmira Aguirre ladysophie2022@gmail.com
KC Ladies Auxiliary to the Knights of St. Dominic Catholic Church assists the Knights in various fundraisers and has several needy parish organizations and charities that they contribute to as well. Auxiliary membership is open to women over the age of 18 who have husbands who areKnights or widows of Knights.
Contact: Esther DeLa Garza 210-771-8690 estherdelagarza4@gmail.com
This ministry offers an atmosphere in which those who are mourning the loss of a loved one may find peace, comfort and guidance as they journey along the path of healing. Our Grief Support Group Meetings provide a nurturing environment for people who find themselves suffering the pain of losing someone dear. As we share our experience’s, we come to better understand ways in which we can learn to cope with life without our loved one. Prayer and spiritual reflection are the foundations of this ministry. Professional grief counselors are invited to address our group several times a year. We provide booklets written by grief counselors for those who would like to take them home for reflection. We can also provide referrals for those who might like to seek professional counseling. Join us so that we may give each other strength and accompany each other on our journey. Please check the bulletin for dates and times.
Contact: Mike and Mary Mora 210-289-6041 liturgy@stdomincsa.org
The Liturgy Ministry consists of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ushers, Lectors, Lead Mass Coordinators, and Mass Coordinators. The Liturgy Ministry meets as needed or requested by the Pastor or the Liturgy Ministry Coordinator.
Mass Coordinators:
Mass Coordinators help the Deacons and the Mass Celebrant in preparing the Sanctuary for celebration of the Holy Mass. They ensure all ministers scheduled/assigned at their mass are in place and ready to serve in their assigned role in the Mass. They may also serve at special liturgical celebrations as needed/scheduled throughout the year. At their assigned mass, they oversee and/or prepare the sacred vessels used by the celebrant, to ensure there is sufficient hosts and wine, that will become the Body, Blood Soul and Divinity of our Lord, to serve the congregation. Mass Coordinators oversee the proper handling and disposition of all monetary collections for the mass they are assigned to. There are classes that a person being called to this ministry must complete.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic, also called Eucharistic Ministers:
To be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, one must be a practicing Catholic and be in good standing in the parish. (i.e., coming to Sunday Mass on a regular basis including Holy Days of Obligation and regularly receiving the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation). Candidates for this position will be interviewed by the Pastor and the Liturgy Coordinator before being nominated for commissioning as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion by the Archdiocese Chancellor’s office. Extraordinary Ministers aid the priest and deacon during the Holy Mass, with the distribution of Holy Communion to the congregation. All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may also be called to assist/serve in the homebound ministry to bring the Holy Eucharist to those who are in hospitals, nursing homes, and parishioners that are homebound and unable to attend Mass. There are needed classes as well as established guidelines to be followed as directed by the Archdiocese’s Chancellors Office.
In life certain people are given the gift to become public speakers. A person who has a calling to proclaim the Word of God has been given a gift by the Holy Spirit to read God’s Word to those in our parish and to the congregation at masses on Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation, Weekdays, and other special celebrations. A Lector is usually assigned to a Mass of his/her preference. A person receiving this call must attend a training class held twice a year, given by the Lead Lector or Ministry Coordinator.
Ministers of Hospitality: Ushers & Greeters:
Ministers of Hospitality handle greeting and welcoming parishioners and visitors coming to St Dominic to attend the celebrations of the Holy Mass. Ministers perform the proper process of gathering collections from the congregation and their proper disposition. They ensure people are comfortably seated in the nave area, aid those with special needs/requirements, and direct the orderly procession/distribution of Holy Communion to the assembly. Ushers also check the overall tidiness of the church before and after each Mass. Ushers will always be alert to emergencies that may occur during the celebration of the Mass. Candidates will have to complete training for this ministry and commit to serving at their Mass on a regular basis. Ministers must be over 18 years of age. Special consideration on a case-by-case basis will be given to those under 18 years of age.
Altar Servers:
All candidates, men and women, youth boys and girls are welcomed to this ministry. All must have made their First Communion, Sacrament of Reconciliation and is a practicing Catholic in good standing with the parish. For youth, age 7-17, we ask that parents also take part and be committed to this ministry and attend Mass with their child. Training will be provided by the Priest or Liturgy Ministry coordinator. Altar servers are described as leaders of prayer in the example of the Holy Angels that surround the sanctuary in the presence of Christ. This ministry helps teach the young adults’ good moral values that will last a lifetime. Many youths who grew up serving at the Altar, have also been called to vocations of Instituted Acolyte, Lector, Deacon, or Priesthood.
Contact Mary Jo Rodriguez 210-902-9913 Maryjo.rodriguez@stdominicsa.org
Contact: Joseph Zapata joe82zapata@gmail.com
Directores Espirituales Certificados (español) Rosy De la Cerda (210) 323-1595 o Bertha Perez (210) 303-7386
Es dedicar tiempo para explorar las acciones del Espíritu Santo que nos invita a la comunión con Dios Trino.
“La Dirección Espiritual es la ayuda dada por un Cristiano a otro para atender a la voz de Dios y vivir una relación con El.”
El valor de la Dirección Espiritual puede ayudar a un cristiano a: Escuchar la voz de Dios, Crecer y en conocer a Dios y a sí mismo, Estar consciente de los aspectos de Dios en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida, Profundizar la vida de oración y comunión con Dios y Esclarecer su vocación final y como vivirla.
Instructores con Certificado en Sagradas Escrituras y Dirección Espiritual, Personas a contactar para más informes con: Bertha Pérez (210) 303-7386 o Rosy De La Cerda (210) 323-1595
El Estudio Bíblico ayuda a los participantes a una familiaridad con la Sagrada Escritura con sus temas, personajes y mensajes. Además también se enseñara a usar la Escritura en la oración. El mensaje de Dios es tan importante y tan urgente en nuestros días como en aquel entonces. Está dirigido a todas las personas en sus esferas físicas, emocional y espiritual. Este Estudio Bíblico se lleva a cabo en Español, Fecha: Dos Miércoles de cada mes, Hora: 7:00pm a 8:45pm, Vía: Zoom
Presentadores con Certificado Ministerio Pastoral, Personas a contactar para más informes: Bertha Perez (210) 303-7386 bertha.aperez64@gmail.com o Carmenza Beltran (210) 724-8660.
Este es un servicio a la comunidad de un grupo de mujeres egresadas del Colegio Mexican American Catholic imparten temas de Familia, Desarrollo Humano, Espiritualidad, Evangelización y Catequesis con el fin de ayudar a mujeres a entender una nueva realidad.
Son Pláticas con temas de Reflexión, Autoayuda, así como tiempo de Oración.Crecer en la Fe es uno de los motivos primordiales que nos harán producir buenos hábitos para caminar hacia Cristo, a través de la Sagrada Escritura y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica. Estas reuniones para mujeres son llevadas a cabo en Español: Fecha: Cada Lunes, Hora: 7:00pm a 8:45:pm, Vía: Zoom.
Contact: RosyDeLaCerda 210–323-1595 rosydlc71@gmail.com
Contact: Alice Kinard 210-218-9867 gkinard640@hotmail.com
Music Minister is responsible for all the choirs. Music Minister ensures choirs will be available for every Mass, special Masses, and services ensuring music is in accordance with the liturgical season.
Adult Choirs: …………………………. ………Every Sunday. 7:30am and 10:00am
Children’s Choir ……………………………………….. 1st Sunday of the Month at 10 am
Spanish Choir …………………………………………………………………. Every Sunday at 3 pm
Young Adult and Youth Choir Coordinator: Every Sunday at 12:30 pm
Modeling leadership and advocating the practice of service to our parish. By leading the youth and young adults to Christ, they learn about spiritual growth praising God with glad voices and joyous sounds of instruments, delivering a wholesome experience to our community.
Contact: Delores Alarcon 210-219-9662 Delores-alarcon@yahoo.com
The Pastoral Council is the chief consultative body to the Pastor. The Pastoral Council brings issues and concerns to the Pastor for discernment and recommends practical ways of addressing them to enable the parish to carry out its mission. The Parish Council listens to the concerns of the Pastor and the spiritual needs of the parishioners, exercising stewardship with the gifts of the parish. The Pastoral Council shares responsibility with the Pastor for building up the faith community. Through prayer and discernment, the Pastoral Council with the Pastor, reach decisions through consensus and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Pastoral Council members are selected from parishioners who have volunteered to be on the Council and approved by the Pastor (Cannon Law 536).
Contact: Jane Martinez 210-535-9141 jmartinez8988@gmail.com, Maria Belmarez 210-367-5680 mariafmarr@yahoo.com, Michael Ordaz 210-322-3707
Restorative Justice involves a repairing of the harm caused by crime and conflict. Through ministering to the men and women in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice system and sharing the good news of the Gospel we see and experience God’s amazing works.
Contact: Jason Davies 724-699-7628
OCIA (RCIA) (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a process for adults 18 years and up who wish to be full members of the Catholic Church. Sacraments of Initiation will be received at the Easter Vigil Mass. Announcements for the upcoming RCIA Faith Process will be announced in the bulletin around August of each year. For more information please call the church office at 210-435-6211.
This ministry began to bring a one-day retreat for women 18 years and older to enhance and grow women’s relationship with God. The retreat consists of breaking bread, fellowship, Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation, guest speakers, music, and reflection. A nominal fee is requested to cover operational expenses, but no woman is turned away for not providing fee. A team of a director, co-director, spiritual companion, and treasurer make up the team along with other women from St. Dominic that form together at least 2 months prior to the retreat with 6 meetings. The director and team are supported by the core members of Maria Belmarez, (210) 367-5680 and Catherine Leos, (210) 279-6426. “Arise! Shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1
Please contact Margie Escobedo at (210)-684-1582 / 210-396-1932 chewyamarg@yahoo.com
Our diverse and active members spread devotion through the Immaculate Heart of Mary by making and sharing the Rosary. If you are interested in making rosary’s, we gather the last Thursday of each month at 10 am in the parish portable building.
All Spiritual Directors listed below are formed, trained, and experienced: Sandra Sanchez (913) 515-6370 and Mel Hernandez Trevino (210) 800-1984 and Desma Delgado (210) 730-4857 or (Spanish) Rosy De La Cerda (210) 323-1595 and Bertha Perez (210) 303-7386 and Veronica Garza (210) 219-5721 or (Bilingual) Elsa McDonald (210) 275-9179.
Setting time aside to explore the actions of the Holy Spirit, who invites us into communion with the Triune God.
President John Roy Chaffin III, Phone (210) 432-2071, Email: svdp-stdominic@outlook.com
A Catholic lay non-profit organization made up of volunteers who seek to be of service to members of our community that are in spiritual, emotional, financial or physical need. Vincentians collaborate between contributors and needy brothers and sisters. We are an international society of charity united by prayer, reflection, gatherings and by following a set protocol called, “The Rule.”
General meetings are held every second Wednesday of each month. St. Vincent de Paul service office is located in the Ministry Building and their hours of operation are Monday and Friday 9:30am to 11:00am.
The Traffic Team are a group of very dedicated men who generously give their time on Sundays and other days as needed to direct the traffic, primarily but not limited for our Religious Education classes to ensure the safety of our children and our adults. Any one is welcome (men orwomen) to support traffic management as needed for St. Dominic during special Masses or functions. Contact the church office if you can help in this ministry.
The purpose of the Youth/Young Adult Ministry Program is to assist the youth and young adults of our parish in their faith development, prayer life and in becoming more fully involved in our Church and sharing of their faith. During the year there are different activities and retreats for different ages. Our youth programs encompass service, prayer, spirituality, and fun. The youth and young adults are an important part of our community. As they grow in their faith, they will be the ones to pass on the traditions and love that God has given to us and to others. Components of youth ministry – community life, catechesis, advocacy, evangelization, justice, service, leadership development, pastoral care, prayer, and worship. If you would like to register or if you would like more information please contact: The Youth/Young Adult Ministry Office at, (210) 435-6211 ext. 209, oryou can email Silvia Elena Hagen, Coord. of H.S. Faith Formation & Youth/Young Adult Ministry at, Silvia.hagen@stdominicsa.org
JOY (Jesus Others and You), Middle School Youth group.
Praise, worship, food & FUN! All middle school youth are welcomed. In Joy we lead Middle School youth closer to Christ, through fellowship, fun activities & projects, meditations, small group sharing and service! Our gatherings are every other Monday from 6:30 – 8:30 PM (during the pandemic we will offer virtual meetings through Google Meet).
LLAMAS (Loving the Lord Always through Ministry Adoration and Service) High School Youth group
We lead high school teenagers into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. Through powerful Eucharistic encounters and engaging activities and talks, our LLAMAS group are immersed in a dynamically Catholic parish culture. We create an environment where Catholic teenagers feel supported and engaged outside of Sunday Mass. We meet every Sunday at 3:00-4:45 in the Ministry Building. (During the Pandemic we will offer virtual meetings trough Google Meet)
Encounter (Young Adult 18-25)
Young adults are essential members of the body of Christ. They long for the truth and they won’t rest until they find it. Meetings are every Wednesday 6:30-8:00. (During the Pandemic we will offer virtual meetings trough google meet)
Steubenville Catholic Leadership Conference for High School Students
High School Students are nominated to represent St. Dominic at a week-end off-site Catholic leadership conference
Celebration of Quince Años (Girls or Boys)
The Quince Años is a celebration and affirmation of the faith of a young person. This traditional ceremony is frequently celebrated with a Mass at our parish. To have a Quince Años, the young person must have received all appropriate sacraments, her family must be registered parishioners, they must be attending for a year faith formation classes in addition to sharing in a parish ministry and attending a special Quince Años retreat. Please make arrangements with the priest six months prior to the date of the Quince Años.
Retreats – The following retreats for our youth and young adults are offered to enhance their spiritual growth. Retreats will be announced in the Bulletin.
Teen ACTS Retreat
Middle School Retreats
High School Retreats
Confirmation Retreat
Young Adults Retreat Quince Años Parent and Child Retreat
For more information contact Sandra Gonzalez (210) 416-4845, sandra.gonzalez@sisdk12.net, Dolores Hernandez 210-379-8855 rosedee630@gmail.com
This ministry is a support group for women. We are dedicated to Godly fellowship, praising our Lord through song and prayer, scripture study and simple encouragement as we walk our paths closer to God. The living Word, Jesus Christ, and the written Word, the Bible, can satisfy our hungry and thirsty souls. “Those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again.” John 4:14. Come and drink from the well of the Living Water. Let it refresh you. Open to all women 18 and older. Meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month from 7pm to 8:30pm. Find us on Facebook.